Are you at a crossroads in your life, experiencing an intense emotional event, a complicated relationship issue, or a major medical challenge? Do you feel anxious or overwhelmed? Do you want to feel better? Are you unable to quiet your mind and be in the present moment? Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like something is missing? Do you feel like you are not doing what you are meant to do? Are you following your life purpose?
As an energy healer and transformational life coach, my primary goal is to support you in finding relief from the burdens of stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, and pain and to guide you towards restoring inner harmony and peace within yourself.
We begin each session with an open dialogue, where we discuss your intentions and get a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Together, we’ll explore your unique goals and aspirations, identify areas for growth, and co-create a personalized roadmap, paving the way for positive change. I work with what is present for you in the moment. As our work together unfolds, my healing techniques will change to meet you where you are so I can address what you need most and propelling you forward on your journey. The second half of the treatment session involves you laying comfortably on a massage table fully clothed. I will apply gentle hands-on energy healing techniques with light touch to various energy points on the body, working with the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical energy bodies.

My highly individualized approach serves as a powerful tool to facilitate your transformation on multiple levels:
- Experience Inner Peace and Deep Relaxation: Find solace amidst life’s chaos as you tap into a state of profound inner peace and relaxation.
- Increase Your Energy Level and Raise Your Frequency: Elevate your energetic frequency, boosting vitality and fostering a sense of vibrancy and aliveness.
- Restore Balance and Alignment: Realign your body, mind, and spirit, promoting holistic well-being and improving your overall health.
- Transform Painful Feelings: Release the grip and worry and anxiety, transforming pain into opportunity for growth and empowerment.
- Develop Healthy Boundaries and Self-Care: Cultivate healthy boundaries and self-care practices, nurturing your well-being from within.
- Gain Mental Clarity and Emotional Health: Attain greater mental clarity and emotional stability, fostering focus and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.
- Embrace Your Authentic Self: Embody your true essence and inner radiance, stepping into your authenticity with confidence and grace.
- Enhance Self-Awareness and Presence: Cultivate mindfulness and presence, deepening your connection to the present moment and fostering self-awareness.
- Trust your Inner Wisdom: Recognize and trust the innate wisdom that resides within you, accessing guidance and empowerment from your authentic core.
- Build Confidence and Utilize Strengths: Cultivate self-assurance and confidence, harnessing your unique strengths to navigate life’s journey with grace and resilience.
- Embrace Your Unique Gifts and Passions: Uncover and nurture your innate gifts and passions, embracing your individuality and living a life of purpose and fulfillment.
- Realize Your True Purpose: Remember and realign with your true purpose, embracing the journey of self-discovery and aligning your actions with your deepest aspirations.

For thousands of years ancient cultures viewed humans as holistic beings of body, mind, and spirit. We were seen as an intricate flow of emotion, thought, and physical form, with an intimate connection to spirit. We were just one aspect of the natural world; the same ‘nature’ we now view as separate from ourselves. Similarly, those ancient cultures viewed illness and disease as an imbalance between a person and his or her environment, recognizing our intricate place within the web of all existence. As science and religion diverged, our perception shifted. Humans became viewed as mere mechanical and chemical systems, whereby modern medicine primarily addresses physical symptoms and biochemical imbalances, dealing very little with the long-standing holding patterns and emotional and spiritual woundings intricately embedded in the root cause of the disease.
In contrast, I embrace a holistic approach, recognizing the human energy system as integral in our well-being. The human energy system is similar to other systems of your body such as the digestive, circulatory, nervous, respiratory or musculoskeletal systems. It is a multidimensional field which is less dense than the physical body, enabling healing to happen more quickly. When there is a block in the energy field it creates imbalance and dis-ease. Blocks manifest from spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical difficulties. Through energy healing, I identify and correct problems in the energy field and chakras, clearing blockages and restoring balance, moving your body, mind and spirit back into healing states, and addressing the primary cause or wounding. I work to clear obstacles that keep you from creating your best life. As we tend to your body, heart, mind, and spirit wellness, you’ll experience a profound shift in your inner landscape. Feelings of aliveness, wholeness, and deep peace permeate your life, empowering you to embrace each moment with renewed purpose and joy.
I will create a safe space for personal growth and healing. With my guidance and support, you’ll embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, personal empowerment, deep inner peace, and live a life of authenticity.
Let’s begin this journey together.